Delft Road Safety Course: how Safe System goes around the world

Today marks the end of a special week in Delft. The Delft Road Safety Course is taking place here this week (April 17-21, 2023): an exclusive program in which 21 road safety professionals from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia participate. The goal: to learn about safe system in order to be able to apply these knowledge and skills in one’s own environment. Thanks to the input of leading experts and academics, the training brings together the crème de la crème of road safety.

The Delft Road Safety Course is an exclusive training program organized at and in cooperation with TU Delft. Participants are road safety professionals from low- and middle-income countries who want to learn everything about road safety and related themes. All this comes together in a varied program covering strategy development, infrastructure planning and design, participation, enforcement and data & research. In addition to lectures by experts and academics, the program consists of excursions, observations, experience in a driving simulator and group work on a case.

This annual training is the flagship of the Delft Road Safety Courses (DRSC) foundation. DRSC aims to improve road safety in low- and middle-income countries through learning and development programs. The Capacity Building team of DTV Capacity Building is commissioned by DRSC to manage the implementation organization and ensure that this training takes place.

DRSC’s activities are enabled by the support of FIA Foundation.