Velo-city ❤️ Dutch Bicycle Infrastructure Training

Did you know that it is less than 100 kms (62 miles) from Ghent to Breda? If you are planning to attend Velo-city this year, consider to extend your learnings with the Dutch Bicycle Infrastructure Training in Breda from 24-28 June. The course teaches you to apply the CROW manual for bicycle traffic: strategizing cycling, planning networks and designing infrastructure (including intersections and roundabouts) Key features:

  • Expert lectures
  • Visit to CROW
  • Excursions in Breda, Rotterdam, Utrecht
  • Personal guidance on your case study

Download your free brochure

Participants from earlier editions typically work for planning authorities (from local to national authorities), engineering and consultancy firms, advocacy groups, NGOs. Their testimonials praise the cycling experience in the Netherlands, having a bike at their disposal all week long, the personal approach and the hospitality of the courseleadership.

Full program and study guide available

Advice and information
Kim Heerkens

Kim Heerkens

Consultant Capacity Building